Delilah Sutherland
Portrayed By Kristen Bell
Gender Female
Date of Birth June 6, 1864
Age 19
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Aliases Del
Place of Birth Glasgow, Scotland
Occupation Gemstone Girl/Singer
Known Relatives Aileene Sutherland (Mother); Kieran Sutherland (Father); Torin, Kade, Gaven, and Brycen Sutherland (Older Brothers)
Significant Other None


Delilah and her four older brothers were born in Scotland, and raised in a predominately Scottish neighborhood in New York City. When she was five years old, the Sutherland family immigrated to the United States. Her father Kieran found work in a textile factory, while her mother Aileene found work as a nanny for the Irvine family — a fairly wealthy, established family that owned and ran a theatre on Broadway. While Delilah assisted backstage at the Irvine Theatre doing odd jobs for everybody - which is where she fell in love with the art of performing.

By mimicing the singers and actresses she watched onstage from the wings, Delilah slowly but surely learned how to sing as a young teenager. On the rare occasion she had free time, she would pluck away at the piano keys and attempt to learn the popular songs of the day. The young, dashing, and debonaire Irvine son, Colin Irvine, caught her at the theatre late at night one evening, and found a new, temporary target for his affections. With promises of a specacular career in the arts, Delilah - as optimistic and hopeful as she was - fell for the empty promises and gave in to his charms. Alas, his attentions soon wandered elsewhere, leaving Delilah crushed, her reputation ruined, and the rest of the New York theatre social circle gossiping.

Hopping on the next train headed West, Delilah left and has never looked back. Wandering from town to outpost, she used her voice and charms to her benefit to pay for food and lodging, a fact which would greatly upset her devoutly Catholic mother. She now finds herself in Silver Creek at the Gemstone, where she is free to perform and do what she loves without the knowledge or shame of her family.


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